AMPHIBILIVING: imagining a future living with water


Amphibiliving seeks to explore the possibilities for adaptation to and living with water.

Amphibiliving imagines a more dynamic, resilient and sustainable way of living with water which might be better adapted to survival of future flood events and which potentially could make more land (or water) viable for future habitation - even perhaps making life more fun...

Whilst we understandably seek to preserve the existing ‘water line’ by building and reinforcing sea defences, could the time come when such a controlling approach is no longer viable from either an economic or an engineering point of view? Moreover, could the engineering works required in order to ‘hold the line’ in the face of rising sea levels and more extreme weather events become unacceptable from an social/aesthetic/cultural/environmental point of view even before then, serving perhaps to undermine our sense of place, rather than conserving it?

A future of Amphibiliving might see the development of floating houses designed to rise and fall with water flow yet retaining their services in tact, floating gardens, tree houses, communal rafts, and whole new networks of work and leisure opportunities and ways of getting about...

amphibiliving.net is a virtual showcase of amphibiliving ideas - some practical, others fantastical - which imagine a changed way of life, living with water.

Anyone may submit ideas. If you want to submit something or know of a project or idea that you think you should be included, please see SUBMITTING or drop us a line.

In addition, a number of short residencies may also be possible in order to develop, realise or share ideas.


another production by flyintheface.com