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Here's what I said to the Planning Inspectorate at the Open Floor Hearings about Sizewell C in May 2021 - it sums up why I feel so passionately that we must all do everything we can to stop Sizewell C being built:

I’ve lived in this area for 20 years, and like so many, was drawn here by the its amazing unspoilt peace, beauty and wildlife.
We’ve raised our children here to value the simple things in life and treasure what’s special on our own doorstep:
being excited about the return of sandmartins, terns and swifts; listening for nightingales; and spotting marsh harriers in flight and baby adders on the beach; bat detecting at night, and lying in the dark seeing who can spot the most shooting stars…
Above all we love to swim in the sea at Thorpeness and Sizewell - our favourite place to go with friends to picnic and play.
But I also know the vulnerability of this coast.
As an artist I have walked the beach between Thorpeness and Sizewell literally hundreds, perhaps a thousand times. It’s my favourite place to be. I have documented the changing cliffs in photographs over many years, and have personally witnessed how vulnerable this coast is.
I was there that day in January 2017 10 minutes after the cliff fall that buried a man. It took over 40 people more than 2 hours just to locate him, such was the scale of this cliff fall on just one sunny January day….
We know how friable and temporary this coast is.
The pillbox bulldozed off the cliff in 2007 at this same spot now lies 25 metres seaward of the cliff edge. But this isn’t just a phenomenon of Thorpeness… History teaches us a powerful lesson too, all along our coast: Felixstowe, Bawdsey, Orford Ness, Dunwich, Easton Bavents, Covehythe, Lowestoft… all have tales to tell. And remember all this loss has happened within a few kilometers of Sizewell.
People always think the apparently unlikely will never happen - yet it inevitably does.
We KNOW the erosion will be made worse by climate change - by more frequent storms and sea level rise. Each time scientists re-evaluate, the future looks worse - it moves only in one direction.
This is absolutely no place for two more reactors. I’m wholeheartedly in favour of genuinely green energy. But nuclear is not this. The legacy of climate change to our children is bad enough without also leaving a legacy of nuclear waste here which they may not have capacity to keep safe.
Disasters and change happen suddenly and unexpectedly. Think of the Thorpeness sea defences, decimated this year without there even being any particularly big storms … a very small example on Sizewell’s doorstep of how we fail to plan ahead and fail to take timely action.
Meanwhile what is special and loved about this coast and hinterland will be destroyed by this project’s construction, impacting the mental health of many of us and decimating biodiversity in habitats supposedly protected by the highest ranking.
To build on this scale here on perhaps Europe’s fastest eroding coast demonstrates arrogance and hubris in the extreme - I urge you to think of the children. We must support projects that are genuinely zero carbon and help mitigate climate disaster in time, not this megalithic white elephant - or rather dinosaur - that will threaten the whole future of this area and be a bottomless pit of carbon and financial resources to defend.
Whatever one’s views on nuclear power, this is absolutely no place for a project of this scale and the storage of nuclear waste for over a hundred years.
I put to you that this site will be impossible to defend - with its watery hinterland, and embayment caused by ever higher sea defences. Leaving a terrible legacy to future generations who will reap NO benefit at all, just billions in costs. And, we must ask ourselves, why do all insurance policies exclude nuclear cover if it’s as safe as made out?
I speak for many many friends, neighbours and family who feel the same as me but feel too exhausted, hopeless, overwhelmed by the pandemic and, above all, intimidated by this planning process and years of EDF obfuscation & manipulation to take part. We say the applicant is exhibiting a reckless disregard for the safety and futures of local people. If this goes ahead not only will it disgorge thousands of tonnes carbon into the atmosphere, use valuable resources & finance and devastate biodiversity that our prime minister has promised to protect - it will also threaten the very future of this area. Our children and grandchildren stand to lose everything.
This is the wrong project in the wrong place.

Find out more about the impact of Sizewell C and what you can do to make a difference

See Fran's 'C Beyond' exhibition

